Wednesday 29 June 2011

10 easy steps in removing acne naturally

1-Drink plenty of water. It goes without saying that water is healthy for the body in many ways. It cleanses the body and flushes out harmful toxins. It has also been shown to improve the complexion and help eliminate acne. Drink at least 8 glasses a day to get the most benefit from it.

2-Do yourself a home remedy. Mix cucumber juice, fruit juices, salad, carrots, or alfalfa, and apply to face. Leave for about 10 minutes and rinse thoroughly.

3-Go out and buy a tomato. Now that crushing and the use of the mass by the application directly on the acne. Leave the dough to make your job for half an hour and then rinse with warm water. This is the way to get rid of acne naturally without the expense.

4-Crush up some mint leaves to obtain their juices. Apply the juices on your face and leave on for a few minutes. You can also do the same with toothpaste; however, do not use the gel variety.

5-Avoid picking or squeezing your pimples. This will cause more acne and actually aggravate your skin. Moreover, it does nothing to get rid of the problem.

6-Learn effective ways to manage their stress levels. Acne outbreaks are usually due to hormonal changes in your body, which explains why many teenagers in puberty are affected. Make sure you get enough sleep and exercise as well. Learn how to get rid of acne naturally, not even including the use of a product.

7-Mix water with baking soda until it becomes a paste, then gently massage the face for about 30 seconds. Rinse thoroughly scrubbed. Works as an exfoliant that removes dead skin and oil that causes acne. You can also use regular oatmeal for the same purpose. Only the oatmeal cooking, let cool and apply on face for several minutes. Oats absorb fat from the face.

8-Put the tea tree oil directly to your points acne. Tea tree oil kills bacteria because it serves as a natural antiseptic.

9-Take supplements that are rich in vitamins A, B6 and B3, and zinc. You can also control your acne by eating healthy foods like fruits and vegetables. You should also try to avoid caffeine and chocolate as much as possible. Not only the diet contributes to acne, but it also helps you maintain a bright, vibrant skin.

10-Trying to figure out how to get rid of acne naturally should not be a problem for you more, simply by following a few above.