Sunday 24 July 2011

The Cause Of Oily Skin On Your Face (men & Women)

Excessively oily face are thought to cause acne and other conditions. But why some people are oily and not others. Analyze the causes and then see how you can get rid of oily facial skin.

Acne No More by Mike Walden

Source facial oil
The oils on your skin is produced by the sebaceous glands, located inside the hair follicles producing deep into the skin layers. The oil called sebum.Human sebum (oil) is composed mainly of fat. It has several functions. It protects the hair and skin to become dry, cracked or brittle and has some antibacterial activity.

Although broad-spectrum antibiotics are effective in killing a wide range of bacteria, naturally occurring antibacterial substances are only effective against certain types. Antibacterial activity of the sebum appears to be ineffective in controlling the bacterium P. acnes, a cause of acne.

Sebum mixes with real P acnes bacteria inside the pores. Infection and inflammation are the results. We call them infections inflammatory acne. They are generally isolated from one hair-producing follicles, or pores, even with the swelling may make it seem much larger.

So you know a lot of data on oil. If sebum production is balanced, your skin is not too oily or too dry. There are things that can cause an imbalance. The excess sebum causes excessive facial fat. Very little due to drought.

Causes to consider
What causes the sebaceous glands produce too much sebum? Some studies suggest that eating red meat or fried foods can cause the problem. Since the sebum is composed of fat, it is obvious that eating too much fatty food may be a contributing factor.

The problem is usually present during puberty. The sebaceous gland activity increased during this period due to high levels of hormones, male hormones called androgens particular.

Use of anabolic steroids has the same effect on the sebaceous gland. In rare cases, the glands can become enlarged because of hypertrophy of the name. This also leads to excessive facial oils.

Genetics is sometimes in question. Acne seems to run in families. Darker skin looks more fat, which is probably a protective mechanism. However, no exact genetic connection has been established.Working in an oil is an easily identifiable cause. Cooks to mechanics, any oily substance may be the culprit.

Cosmetics cause 
There are several types of cosmetics and skin care can cause excessive facial oil. Toners and astringents are examples. Which is now drying on the surface of the skin, the sebaceous glands into overdrive once, to correct dryness. Excessive cleaning may be the problem for the same reason.

Each product contains a petroleum jelly or mineral oil causes a feeling greasy. Although in the final analysis, these products may cause dryness, the first major change is oily.

Because grooming
Irregular bath can cause oily hair and skin. Irregular bathroom is relatively rare in most industrialized societies. Most people shower too often. It will take several weeks of not bathing in excessive facial oil to become visible. This covers all cases.

Now all you need to know is how to correct the problem and prevent recurrence.

Acne no More by Mike Walden

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  1. please give me a comment.
    i want to improve my writing.
    thank you very much.
